Ghanada Pastiche

We are collecting new stories of Ghanada which came out
during the last 30 or so years following Premendra Mitra’s gharana.

Below are a few we collected. We are sure there many more around.
We need to find them. If know of any, please let us know.

Also we would like to encourage authors to write new Ghanada stories
following the same style and flavor and having lot of interesting scientific,
geographical and old and current world news.
Ghanada O Yuba Biswacup – Asimpada Chakraborty
Dashu Theke Kakabau – Debanjan Sengupta
Chul (Hair) – Siddhartha Dasgupta
Shabdo (Sound) – Jaydeb Gupta
Matha (Head) – Tridibendu Chatterjee
Chhipi (Cap) – Sourav Ghosh
Dhonaa (Smoke) – Aitijhya Mallick (Debodinno)
New Ghanada Story – Souvik Mitra

Click on the pictures below to read the stories

Ghanada O Yuba Biswacup – Asimpada Chakraborty

Dashu Theke Kakabau – Debanjan Sengupta

Chul (Hair) – Siddhartha DasguptaChul (Hair) - Siddhartha Dasgupta

Shabdo by Jaydeb Gupta
Matha (Head) – Tridibendu Chatterjee

Chhipi (Cap) – Sourav Ghosh

Dhonaa (Smoke) – Aitijhya Mallick (Debodinno)

New Ghanada Story – Souvik Mitra